![](](](/assets/img/posts/thinkscopes/2011/11/IMG_07582.jpg)**Price: **$59 when i purchased it from Amazon

Score: 8.5/10


-Good keyboard tactility

-Low profile of the keyboard decreases hand fatigue

-Compact size

-High quality

-Built in usb ports


-No delete key

-USB ports only operate in USB 1.1 mode under Windows

-Slightly expensive

-No longer produced


One of the best Apple desktop keyboard and given its diminutive size, you can pack it in your laptop bag and travel with it. It is a great travel keyboard for Mac users.


I am an avid collectors of different desktop keyboard, whom is trying to find his own piece of keyboard heaven amongst the clutters of various consumer grade keyboards that are in existence. While i haven’t found the perfect keyboard yet, but i have to say that the Apple compact wired keyboard is very good in terms of tactility, portability and quality.

![](](](/assets/img/posts/thinkscopes/2011/11/IMG_0759.jpg)The Apple compact wired keyboard has a different keyboard layout from the full size Apple wired keyboard, it uses the same keyboard layout as the white Macbook and the bluetooth compact Apple keyboard that i reviewed earlier. However, the compact wired keyboard does have 2 USB ports underneath like the full sized wired keyboard, which is really handy and something i constantly use.

![](](](/assets/img/posts/thinkscopes/2011/11/IMG_0761.jpg)As you can see from the picture below, the Apple compact wired keyboard design is a direct replica of the Macbook keyboard.

![](](](/assets/img/posts/thinkscopes/2011/11/IMG_0762.jpg)What i like most about the Apple compact wired keyboard is the tactility of the key when you press on it. This tactility is missing from the bluetooth version, even though they have the same key layout, as such the tactility of the wired version must derive from the increased stiffness and weight of the base plate.

This keyboard is great for use when travelling, especially on a Macbook Pro or Air. When used in the windows environment, the lack of Delete key and shortcuts for multimedia controls are something you have to get use to, but it is not that of a problem. If you want to get one of these keyboards, you probably need to head to ebay and Amazon to get them, as Apple no longer produces them or sell them. Also, in Windows environment the USB ports on the keyboard wi-300x83ll only operate in USB 1.1 mode.